0 By Robert Stelzner In MediaPosted February 1, 2023As seen in BloombergWe have recently been featured in a Bloomberg article! Take a look: READ MORE
0 By admin In Media, WinePosted May 21, 20202020 John PlatterEvery year sees something new for Giant Periwinkle and Cape Town advocate Pierre Rabie, with co-owners Robert Stelzner and Karen van Helden. The cellar, opened in 2018 in the maritime hamlet of [...] READ MORE
0 By admin In MediaPosted September 20, 2018Pierre hosts some wine writers in the Overberghttp://sauvignonblanc.com/wordpress/the-man-and-the-periwinkle-adventures-in-bredasdorp/ http://sauvignonblanc.com/wordpress/the-trick-with-alikreukel-and-three-recipes/ READ MORE